Staff members brushed up on their CPR and First Aid knowledge during a training session today. Staff also learned how to use the new district's new AEDs.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
practicing compression technique
practicing CPR techniques
Nurse Bernice posing with her newest patient
Secretaries and principals are reviewing strategies and goals for the year. NCLUSD staff is working together to make a difference today!
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Secretary meeting
Working together to make a difference today, at the first EC meeting of the 2019-20 school year.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Superintendent Fillpot speaking to EC
2019 Stanislaus County Fair! Snippets of NCLUSD representation Congratulation to all!
almost 5 years ago, Bernice Arnett
Stanislaus County Fair snippets
Today was the last day of the 2019 Model Schools conference. This Type of professional development is just another example of our team working together to make a difference, today.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Model schools staff
OHS staff presented at the Model Schools Conference to a room full of educators from across the country on CIR and how they became a 2019 Model School.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Mr. Powell presenting
Mr. Lane presenting
OHS Staff and NCLUSD admin and board members
Packed room
At last night's board meeting we recognized Ms. Karen March on her retirement. Thank you for your 35 years of service to NCLUSD and congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Ms. March the board and superintendent
Perfection continues
almost 5 years ago, Bernice Arnett
Perfection continues !
Congratulations to all our Yolo 8th graders who promoted tonight! Go Panthers.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Student speaker
Students at the ceremony
Students waiting to walk
Students throwing caps
Getting ready for Yolo Promotion Ceremony. 6pm at OHS
almost 5 years ago, NCLUSD
Getting ready for Yolo promotion
Yolo Promotion
Yolo promotion
Congratulations to the Alternative Education Class of 2019!
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Shaking hands
Presenting Graduates
shaking hands
Three NCLUSD students from VR and Yolo participated in the central valley DLI Spanish spelling bee today! They did a great job and represented our district well!
almost 5 years ago, Heather Vargas
Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all our seniors who were awarded scholarships at last night's Senior Awards ceremony.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Students receiving scholarships
NHS students
Student receiving scholarships
students receiving scholarships
Von Renner students had a great time visiting the OHS farm and mechanics shops today.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
AG day collage
Ag day collage
Ag day collage
OHS AP Spanish students met with VR 2nd grade DLI students to share presentations, ask questions, and share their interests. A great way to collaborate and practice their second language!
about 5 years ago, Heather Vargas
Spanish Collaboration
Newman Rotary donated two Peace Poles to OHS. "May Peace Prevail On Earth" is printed on the poles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Samoan, Vietnamese, Arabic, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Farsi, Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin) & Pashto, all spoken in NCLUSD homes.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Newman Rotary and NCLUSD members
Superintendent Fillpot
Promoting Peace Newman Rotary Plaque
Peace poles
Hunt students enjoyed their Footsteps2Brilliance BBQ out on the lawn in the shade today.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Principal Williams with students
students eating BBQ on the lawn
student enjoying their chicken
student enjoying their chicken
Last night the NCLUSD School Board was honored to recognize the 2019 Retireees, Mr. Mario Garcia, Mrs. Cindy Galas and Mrs. Catherine Quittmeyer, Teacher of the Year nominee Mrs. Suzy Manriquez and Student Board Member Ms. Starlina Galindez.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Teacher of the Year Nominee Suzy Manriquez
2019 Retirees
Student Representative
Congratulations to the Yolo 6th graders who were named Grand Champions in the Rotary Speech Contest.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Student presentations
"Care for one, that's love. Care for hundreds, that's nursing." -- Unknown. Happy School Nurses Day! Thank you to all of our school nurses who look after NCLUSD students.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas